In the last year of my graduation, I got a chance for a writing competition for the college magazine. It was the contest for the selection of College Magazine Editor. Fifteen candidates showed interest and having taste for reading literature. All aspirant competitors were excited. It was the first time when a writing competition was arranged in the college. The organizer asked us to write three hundred words about ‘The Situation of Indian Women’ in the country.  Aha! The topic was very appealing to me. As I was more dreamed of my future life compared to other girls. Because I had a number of objections about the life of a female. On the other hand, extempore writing is difficult for all of us. Appropriate words and sentence arrangement was challenging task. But I tried my best to make a contrast between the present and future life of the woman.

Daughter v/s worry

I won the competition and selected the college magazine editor. There is no purpose of mine to mention my first achievement in writing. I want to discuss how our society and whole system deal with females’ abilities. I noticed after getting married. Even political anarchy and support of a state also spoil the living standard of women. Terrorism in a country or a state compels people to turn down their motives, especially in the matter of girls and women. Worries of parents were teasing them. In the same year 1992, when I won the contest; my parents fixed my marriage date due to growing terrorism in the state. Social Work and Social Worker

Wait for Good Time

After my marriage, I wrote my first and last published editorial for the college magazine. Then for seventeen years how I waited for the time when getting a chance to write and publish. It was unbelievable and different than my competitor’s article that I wrote to impress my organizer teachers. How difficult and annoying living life when all the ambitions are stranglehold tightly in-law home for a new weds girl? What miserable liveliness! Dealing with our society and families how much unlike. I can’t describe it in words.  

Home Environment

Then I realize why India lags behind many small countries of the world. It has an abundance of natural as well as human resources. The half population has made it crippled by traditional thinking. Therefore I am listening, reading, and writing – India is a developing country, for forty years. The rigidity of home rules always demands woman’s sacrifice in India. The forced discipline of our homes crushed the working ability of females. What will the results be? Sometimes I feel it is little possible to change the views of folk. Why do most writers write for a woman’s better life? Why do I advocate? Waves for change blow less in the social environment because not many people want to read history. I think history can teach each person easily how can they work for the betterment of everyone’s present and future life. Improve the qualities of your sports 

A wise King – Shams ud-din Illtutmish

In the age of the thirteenth century, a Mughal emperor Shams ud-Din Illtutmish was the 3rd king of Mamluk Density who ruled the former Ghurid territory in Northern India. He was the first sovereign, who started the rule from Delhi. He is considered the founder of the Delhi Sultanate. Illtutmish spent his early life in Bukhara and Ghazni as a slave under multiple masters. In the late 1190s, the Ghurid slave commander Qutb al-Din Aibak purchased him in Delhi. His talent for military actions impressed the king. He declared himself a king after Aibak’s death. He became an independent king. He was a foresighted person. He knew the power of the developed capabilities of humans.

Secular Thinking

He had one daughter and two sons. He couldn’t ignore the ability of his daughter. Therefore he made a provision for his daughter’s military training as his sons. Her name was Sultan Raziyyat-ud-Dunya ud Din popularly known as Razia Sultana. Razia administrated efficiently at Delhi when her father was busy in the Gwalior campaign. His father was impressed by her work deeply. He felt proud as his daughter. She gave him an accountable response in his absence. On comparing his sons. They were pleasure lovers. He felt her daughter Razia should his successor. He wanted to nominate her. But some courtiers were against his will. But he selected his daughter for the rule. How can Study and Skill Make You a Talented Professional?

He did so. Because he knew his sons were lazy and irresponsible. Razia Sultana ruled over Delhi for four years. It was an example of woman’s empowerment in the 13th century. It was the time when the practice of Sati Pratha was common in the country. It was a condemning social evil of India in which a widow woman was compelled to burn in her husband’s pyre. This paratha shows two social weak aspects. First- Indian society was too unable to support a widow for her livelihood. Second, society had no sympathy toward a widow woman considered a burden.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Sathi Pratha was going to continue for centuries because Hinduism had strict rules. The orthodox social leaders were against the change. But a genius scholar Raja Ram Mohan Roy took an action against the cruel and inhuman activity. He was a social reformer. His views and actions started to eradicate social evils. He was the father of the Bengal renaissance and the founder of Bromo Samja. He was born on August 14, 1774, in a Brahmin, wealthy family. His father was an orthodox person who liked to follow the rigidity of social customs. He asked his son to follow all the community rules strictly. He arranged for his son’s education. Raja Ram Mohan Roy got his education from the village school. He learned Sanskrit and Bengali languages.

Education and His Job

His father sent him for higher education in Patna [now the capital city of Bihar state] where he learned Persian and Arabic languages. These languages were highly demanded during that time. He also learned English, willing; at the age of twenty-two. He studied English literature. He was impressed by the great philosophers Euclid and Aristotle. The views of these philosophers helped him to develop his own Ideology. He was working as a private clerk in the East India Company. He provided his writing services for Thomas Woodroffe. It was an important time when he thought Indians could be able to self-rule if they avoid following superstitions and blind beliefs. Firstly, he took an action against social evils like Sati pratha, child marriage, religious unscientific, and baseless beliefs.

Social Reformer

He established an organization Bromo Samaj for social reforms. He condemned social evils through his writings. His writings were liked by the Britishers and Unitarians. He wrote about the cruel practice of Sati Pratha. He published his book Sati. He used powerful words for condemning so that he could save the life of widows. No his reader could escape from sympathy with women. His honest intentions reached Lord William Bentinck who was the Governor-General of India.[1828 – 1835] He was impressed highly by his intense appealing and determined views. He came to know the injustice for widow women in India. Raja Ram Mohan Roy fought against Sati Pratha with commitment. Commitment helps in the achievement As the dividend for his heartiest efforts; the Bengal Sati Regulation xviii, AD, 1829 cod passed by the British government.

A Ray of Hope

This Pratha was banned in Bengal Province strictly. He worked so hard that women could take a sigh of relief. The greatness of this great personality cannot write in words. It helped Indian women to think about the betterment of their and their families lives. He gave a direction to people- helping the girls to make them economically independent. They have equal righteous for their father’s property. The present-day, 21st century has followed the view in halves. But girls are making progress in each sector. Although, it is a less comparatively developed country. There is a need for more efforts, for the better life of women. Education for a girl is necessary. It is a powerful tool that can show the proper way to live them.