College student problems are that matters demand more attention. It is not an issue of a couple of months or weeks. It is at least four years journey or maybe more than that. Obstacles come across in your way in different forms. Each student has faced identical issues. Some are related to study, some belong to family decisions, and some are with classmates. Many are with the pocket package, bullying, drugs, depression, relationship, and break up are counted as college students’ problems randomly. What is the reason for distractions? Any type of distraction makes the loss of studies as well as money. On the other hand, competition is the healthiest challenge even if it has got a form of winning a battle. It has become a problem itself. Exams Preparation – Top 5 reasons for low Scoring and Solutions

Table of content

1. Financial Problems

2. Struggle with time management

3. Lack of motivation

4. Competition/ Depression

5. Subject difficulty/ study environment

6. Fun and Drug addiction

Financial Problem

Financial problem is the worst form of college student problem. It crushes the dreams of college students. But today is the time of awareness. Youth wants to get higher education for their bright future. To fulfill your dream, the availability of bank loans helps students.  Even it is difficult for students to return loans. On the contrary, students who belong to middle-class families have no other option. When a student gets a loan to grid up his loin to work hard. It also shows you a way to learn and earn. Because you make effort to earn money for your daily necessities.

Struggle with Time management 

In the life of a college student – time management is a key factor. It plays a key role in gaining top results. What will be your result after completing one semester? It depends on your time management.  Students face many difficulties in the starting days of college. Because they were not properly responsible during their school days. So they have little knowledge about college issues. There are a number of activities that get changed accidentally. Firstly, dress up yourself, because in school days you wore your school uniform continuously. Now you spend a lot of time ready to go to college. The desire for fun with friends, and a part-time job disturbs your time management. You feel you fail that is the reason for other problems. Top 10 Features of Discipline

Lack of Motivation

 Lack of motivation among students like electronic device that needs charging the battery. A phone, laptop, etc. Young students also feel demotivated when they expect more than their work. As it is a human tendency. That shows the signs of a lack of motivation. Demotivated students get upset often. The hope for work or study decreases continuously. Hopeless students notice problems everywhere. They want to sit alone. Then in this situation, you need to read motivational books, read online motivational blogs. You can listen to motivational videos. Motivation helps to create positivity in your mind. Motivational speeches, quotes, and blogs will reactivate your thoughts. It works as a healthy food for one’s mind. Top 7 Benefits of Positive Attitude

Competition becomes Depression

Competition is a natural process that is not only in human beings but in animals also. It is a healthy process for the survival of an organism. In the matter of young students, life has become a race. It challenges everyone, ‘come first, get more’. In the life of college students- this slogan appears as depression. Because competition is an imposed work. An average student feels unable to learn more facts for study. Often they get low marks. They feel miserable. Because all students have different types of family backgrounds and interests. But they listen ‘Run! Life is a race. Otherwise, you will fail.’ The fear of failure takes the form of stress. Competition needs commitment. It can be developed by regular practice. So that nervousness or depression can never touch your mind.

Subject Difficulty and study environment

Studying any subject is not child’s play. Therefore it is a common issue among students. When they choose a subject for their higher education. They copy their friends. Because they do not have enough knowledge about the subjects. A group of friends whose likes and dislikes are the same. Intellect will be the same, it is not necessary. They never make exploration for their own interests and family support. They have admirable faith in their friends. It is a common mistake. So that the subject you choose with the help of friends becomes a teasing headache for three or four years. So students must choose those subjects they can study interestingly. Family support and the study environment must keep in mind. What is the Stress and removal method

Fun and Drug Addiction

Fun is a common view among the young generation. They surf different ways for fun on the internet. Some hour of relaxation or a holiday. It gives fresh energy for study and work. It works as a happiness booster. In the present day, there is a number of options for fun like as – go to a mall, to a restaurant, a hotel, or a pub, etc. When students go there, enjoy a delicious meal. They also like to take alcohol and other drugs gradually. It does not happen in a single day. It takes time. It ruins students’ health, time, and money. These are the most important things for study. When you go with your friends, you must keep precautions in mind. Don’t spend too much time with friends. Because wasting time and money will spoil your future life. Do Fun /Use your Natural Potential