The mode of learning has changed. Technological approach for students; learning more in less time is a popular trend. An abacus is a manual way of learning calculations. It is a way to learn mathematical calculations using a simple rectangular device with beads. It makes calculations easy for learners. It enhances the sensory facility, ability to visualize, and auditory skills. It develops the habit of focus. It cultivates the integration of mind and hand and eye coordination and develops the capability to meet the deadlines of a particular project. Abacus refines  the various types of inner capabilities like as –

Table of content

Develops command over calculations

Develop eye and hand coordination

Empowered mental ability

Boost sensory memory and retention

Develop confidence and observation  skill

1. Develop command over calculation

Mathematics is a subject that demands more practice for rewarded results. However, students get annoyed and irritated with mathematics calculations. Parents have complained about their low scores. Learning an Abacus is an interesting solution for those who to make their calculations easy. It trains students to make accurate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in seconds. It helps to compute digits faster than a calculator. Confidence Booster Tips

2. Significance for eye and hand coordination  

The purpose of basic education is to develop hand and eye coordination. Many writing task is the main activity in all schools. Written homework is given to students to achieve the aim of accurate calculation. Kindergarten learners always struggle to write alphabets and numerical digits. On the other hand, the abacus helps to make hand and eye coordination easy. Summer vacations Activities for Children

3. Empowered mental ability

During school education, there is little focus on empowering mental ability. On the contrary, the technological world is getting advanced limitlessly. Learning Abacus helps to meet the requirement to be fast in calculations. It empowers mental ability. The abacus is an easy way that allows to think practically.

4. Boost sensory memory and retention

Memory and retention link to sensory memory. It gets enormous information. Abacus is a method for the improvement of sensory memory. Brain process becomes fast when children visualize beads and use their fingers quickly. Moving beads up and down, left and right to get the correct answer. Selection of a school bag

5. Enhance active learning

Naturally, all humans have listening skills. However active listening has not become a part of daily life. It depends upon a lot of practice. It helps to interact with what is being said. Learning Abacus helps to enhance active listening skills. When children listen attentively to their teacher and move beads for correct answers, it helps to become them good listeners.

6. Develop confidence and observation skill

Children are becoming more self-centered. due to using much of smartphones. Lack of going outside weakens their observation skill as a child grows. Learning the abacus develops the capacity to understand the present situation. They interact carefully. It also helps to be confident as a student. It works as a foundation for the future. Learning by Apps – Kids Learn by Play way Method